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Hall 1

Warehouse: 260 m²
Height: 8,0 m
Gate 1: 3,5 m width, 4,2 m height
Gate 2: 4,0 m width, 4,2 m height
Infrastructure: gas-central heating, air conditioned

Office: 200 m²
Infrastructure: gas-central heating, air conditioned

Social area: 32 m²

Total space: 492 m²

Monthly payment: rent by contract and infrastructural charges according to actual usage with own meters (special discounts due to large scale usage will be transferred to customer), no further charges.

Current function: trucking garage, office and storage

Hall 1
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Hall 4
Hall 5
Hall 6
Hall 7
Hall 8
Hall 9
Hall 10
Hall 11
Office building
Parking place
Parking place
Main entrance
Client parking
Fire protection
FERIHEGY Iparterületet Üzemeltető Szolgáltató Kft
Hungary, 2220 Vecsés, Új Ecseri út 2. - Telefon: +36 29 352 568 - fax: +36 29 351 340 - email:
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